Showroom Mycenter-HX250IG
Kitamura Mycenter-HX250iG
Table Size:
Travel (X, Y, Z):
Spindle Taper:
Spindle Speed:
Tool Storage Capacity:
Tool Change Time (T-T/C-C):
Rapid Feed (X,Y,Z)
Rapid Feed (B)
Power Requirement:
- Drastically reduces set-up times for small, detailed, highly accurate complex parts
- Amazingly small footprint saves on valuable floor space
- Positioning Accuracy: ±0.000078” Full Stroke, Repeatability: ±0.000039”
- Ultra high speed rapid feed rates of 2,362ipm
- 2-Station APC with High Speed 4th axis rotary table, DD Motor Driven 108,000deg/min rapids
- High power, high-speed processing Arumatik-Mi CNC with 67 million pulse coder technology
- Powerful 15,000rpm, dual contact spindle – Optional 30,000rpm HSK-E40 spindle Available
- Optional 10-Station Automatic Pallet Changer and 102 Tool Upgrade available in the field